Mark Elbadramany

News & Media

Technology and Philanthropy: How Tech Innovation Can Drive Social Impact

As someone who has spent years navigating both the business and philanthropic worlds, I’ve always been fascinated by the potential of technology to drive social change. We live in an era where technological advancements are happening at a rapid pace, and the possibilities for leveraging these innovations to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues are endless.

Mark Elbadramany in Navigating the Challenges of Ethical Leadership in High-Stakes Industries

Leadership in today’s fast-paced, high-stakes industries is not for the faint of heart. The pressure to deliver results, outperform competitors, and drive innovation can be overwhelming. But beyond the demands of the business itself lies an even greater challenge: maintaining ethical integrity while achieving these goals. Learn more in this article with Mark Elbadramany

Leadership and Mentorship in the Modern Business World: Transforming Teams

Effective leadership and mentorship are more important than ever before in today’s fast-moving business world. With rapid globalization, the technological revolution, and demographic change in workforce participation rates underway all over the world, effective leadership and mentorship programs can make or break an organization when it tries to survive & thrive amidst changes. Read more in this article with Mark Elbadramany.

Harnessing the Power of Social Entrepreneurship: Creating Profitable and Purpose-Driven Portfolios

As someone deeply immersed in the world of finance and investment, I’ve witnessed firsthand the remarkable evolution of the investment landscape over the years. One of the most exciting and impactful trends that have emerged is impact investing and social entrepreneurship.

What Does Success Look Like To You? – Exclusive Interview with Florida Investor Mark Elbadramany

Mark Elbadramany is a seasoned entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist based in Miami, Florida. As a partner at Legacy Ventures, Mark plays a crucial role in sourcing, evaluating, executing, and managing investments, while also serving on multiple boards and advising companies across various industries.